Teachers and parrents
Login Registration Forgotten password Functions Scenarios for class Scenarios for home

Scenarios for home

Deti môžu s webom pracovať samostatne podľa svojich záujmov a preferencií. Pre rozšírenie ponúkame rodičom scenáre pre prácu doma. Tie môžu využiť rodičia, ktorých záujmom je, aby sa deti orientovali v problematike finančnej gramotnosti a pracovali s webom systematickejšie.

Scenario # 1: Work online

Prerequisite: The need for computers or tablets.

  1. Student logs in under his/her name.
    If you want your students to have access to their profile, under which they can track their achievements, help them choose an original login.
    We recommend a first / last name / number combination.
    For example: JohnSmith89
  2. Each student determines the difficulty according to their age category. He/She has a choice between the primary schools and elementary schools.
  3. For the variability of working with the web, you can use scenarios that are also used by teachers during teaching:
    1. The student chooses the exercises individually
    2. Teacher sets the same assignment for all students
    3. Teacher sets the assignment for each student individually
    4. Selection of exercises based on student self-reflection
  4. You can register as a parent on our website here. You will then be able to check back the solved exercises.

Scenario # 2: Paper worksheet

You do not need to use computers / tablets in this scenario.

  1. Preparation of paper worksheets according to scenario # 8.
    You can choose the type and number of exercises your child will solve online and then print an individually compiled worksheet.
  2. Solving of worksheet by child at home.
  3. Checking the correctness by parents or teachers at school.