banka place where our money are managed

bankera bank employee, advises people with banking matters

ATMdevice for banknote withdrawal

banknotespaper money

cashless moneymoney that is deposited in an account

debtmoney that we borrow, for example from a bank

debt trapa situation where a person is unable to repay the money he has borrowed

cashcoins and banknotes

hypomortgagemoney lent by a bank to pay for housing

coinsmetal money

wagemoney we get for work

rentmoney you pay for the use of an apartment or house that we do not own

penaltyfine for not paying something on time

PINsecret code for the card, which is known only to its owner

payment cardcard, thanks to which it is possible to pay at the terminal in the store or withdraw money from an ATM

incomemoney we earn, such as wage

loanmoney that we borrow to buy some things

budgetrecording of revenue and expenditure

repayment schedulea special calendar where it is determined how much and when the debtor will repay until he has repaid the entire debt

bank accounta bank service that allows us to deposit money

creditanother name for the loan

expensesmoney that must be paid